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Wellround - Start with Wellbeing

How to use wellround app.


Transforming the chaos of personal data into personalized, holistic health insights—to empower you to achieve your full potential!

― Wellround, Notes

This is the motto of Wellround. This is our north star. And now if you wish to follow along, I will bring you to the beginning of our Journey, navigating towards the north star.

Start with why.

Every adventure starts with a desire, a burning spirit of search. Curiosity and knowledge power the engine of our ever working mind, but sometimes the sources of energy come less and so does our motivation. Our grit is tested, and in these moments of doubt the world seems to be untractable and we fall.

I am sure every single reader of this passage would have felt this, it is not only my feeling, but rather an alarming statistics. Sooner or later that might happen, and too often such minima of one’s life, might be fatal. This is our main motivation for building. This moves progress in our code and plans. It started as a personal journey, that we felt on our skin. We were able to get back up and we learned to “tryfall”. We have been lucky and we want to transform our luck into a actionable value for as many people as we can reach. This is why Wellround was founded. We know that each one of us is unique and irreplaceable, precious. Because of this our philosophy is based on the assumption that everyone experiences and reacts to life in uncountable many different ways. It is quite impossible to cover every scenario and every possibility with traditional technology, but with the rise of smartwatches, IoT, and Large Language Models, the problem becomes very much more tractable.


This new technologies that are enabling this new AI revolution are the core of the solution we are proposing. By leveraging the chaos of data that everyone of us produce, we will give recommendations and actionable insights on what people can do. We will not only use data from a single source, but we are going to correlate datapoints from as many sources as possible. Even if now the sources seems not enough, the future is going to be exponential and the only limit we see is the sky. So stick with us and learn together with us what limitless really means.


This is the simplest of the three points. Again it will be like magic. You will not be bothered by settings here or useless notifications. No nothing like that, forget all your previous experiences. Wellround will become an extension of your body, a digital twin where you can reliably get advices, help and improve to achieve your full potential. So far we only talked about technology, but we know that ultimately we are social beings, and we want also to revert the trend of people going online to solve their problems. This is why we are creating communities on our application to support meetings and activities offline as much as possible. Because in the end “No human is an Island”.

Action, action, so what do I do?

If you read so far, you have done the first step to achieve your full potential, congratulations 🎉. If are already embarked in your journey, I wish you all the best, might you achieve it in the end. If you are curious to try out our roadmap and copilot for the journey, download our app, is FREE at www.wellround.me

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