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My First Post

Welcome to my first blog post

The motto of my life

This is a great question that I came across today. I thought it wouldn’t be too hard to come up with one, since I have so many thoughts and I am creative. That, sadly, didn’t happen. I turned then to a quote by Elon Musk, just to close and send the form I was filling. It was “Solve climate change or die trying”. I soon realized that it didn’t feel like mine but I sent the quote anyway because I had spent too much time on this. I need to think of a motto for my future.


For me that I always had, and still have mentors, people that really inspire me, is difficult to go off the known path and continue on the path less traveled. I know it is a trivial thing to do if I want to accomplish anything. But here I am struggling on a simple and “to be” catchy phrase.

What now

Now I think I am still dealing with som past experiences, and just recently got over them and accepted. I am finding a new path to follow for my life. A small light is appearing at the end of the tunnel. This has been a dark age of mine, and still is, but the fact that I reached the bottom, or so it seems, gives me hope. I’ve fallen into the hopelessness hole and I was dizzily falling. One day I grasped on a though, actually a book. The essentialism. It gave me hope and a strong direction to follow. Here I am putting my future actions into words. The most difficult and dangling part.

Getting back to the point

In this moment I am taking the wheel of my life again, and I can think clearly only for a couple weeks now. This gives me hope in finding a new motto for my life. An original and unique one. One that resembles my optimism for the future, the hope in humanity, but that still keeps me humble in my infinitesimal littleness, but with the willingness to change the world for the better

The next step

Is only one step forward. In the unknown. But is one and it must be steady.

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